Saturday 18 January 2020

Winter vacation holidays

Winter vacation has always been special for me. It brings in a lot of love, joy and laughter. Each winter vacation gives several memories to cherish for a long-long time. While during the primary classes all we did during the winter vacation was to eat, sleep, play and visit our friends and relatives however as we have entered the senior classes things have started to change.

On poush, 15th my winter vacation started .During the 1st day of my winter vacation , my tour begain on that day.But i didn't go to my educational tour Because of cold weather. On the 2th day I was in home .on the third day anuj messaged me to come in sunil's house for helping them for the final round of singing competition which will be held on jagat mandir school . I hope he will win and my all support to anuj lama and good luck
 for the competition. 

Travelling and going on a tour to visit different parts of the country can also be another way of spending the holidays. Those who can afford it should travel and get acquainted with the places worth seeing in one’s own country. This will add to their knowledge of history and geography. They will also become broad-minded. They will understand the habits and customs of people living in other parts of the country. So travelling can be a very good way of spending the holidays.We should choose to spend our holidays in a good way instead of being idle and merely wasting our time doing nothing worthwhile.